Here are the answers to the most common questions about the new coronavirus đŸ˜·đŸŠ 

Here are the answers to the most common questions about the new coronavirus đŸ˜·đŸŠ 

Since December 2019, the world has been hit with the new deathly coronavirus. Although it had been ravaging the Earth for the past few months, it’s still a relatively new thing to all of us.

There are many issues that were caused by this dreadful disease, and many questions, that we still haven’t answered. We all wonder how to protect ourselves, for how long is the quarantine situation going to last, can the virus be cured, can it be killed or how long does it stay on the surface

There are more than 50 000 questions about coronavirus that are waiting to be answered. Few doctors have solved some of the inquiries and answered the most common questions for the CNN newsletter.

Does high temperature kill coronavirus?

As we are all familiar with the fact that President Donald Trump suggested that coronavirus could withdraw as the hotter summer months come but scientists said that it’s too early to determine. Maybe it does not expire under higher temperatures, considering that it spreads to the Southern Hemisphere during its summer months.

“We may expect modest declines in the contagiousness of the coronavirus in warmer, more humid weather and with the closing of schools and staying socially inactive, but it is not reasonable to expect these declines alone to slow transmission enough to make a big dent,” wrote Dr. Marc Lipsitch, director of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

For how long do we have to keep socially distancing?

Probably for several months. But we might have to do it over and over again since the outbreak could come in waves. “It would be better to proceed with these kinds of measures for five months,” said Dr. Celine Gounder, an infectious disease specialist at Bellevue Hospital Center, “we might be able to relax for a period after this, but than we’ll have to re-institute as the cases go up again. We’ll basically be doing this over and over and over again, even after a five-month period of strict social distancing, until we have a vaccine.”

How long is a person contagious after getting coronavirus?

It depends from person to person. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who issued guidelines – it’s ok to release someone from isolation when they meet these requirements:

  • The patient is free from fever without the use of the medications that reduce the fever.
  • The patient is no longer showing symptoms- including cough.
  • The patient has been tested negative on (at least two) consecutive respiratory specimens, that must be collected at least 24 hours apart.

Can coronavirus be transmited by mosquitos?

No, mosquitos don’t spread the disease. There has been no information nor evidence that suggests that this coronavirus could be transmitted by mosquitoes said the World Health Organization. It spreads only through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes. You can also get coronavirus by touching infected surfaces, then touching your mouth, eyes or nose.

How long will it take to develop a cure?

There has to be developed an antiviral drug that is able to target the specific part of a virus’s life cycle that is necessary for it to reproduce, according to Harvard Medical School, but the drug mustn’t kill the infected cell witch presents an issue – viruses are highly adaptive.

While research is underway, it could take more than a year before a vaccine is developed and becomes publicly available.

Do animals spread the coronavirus

No, they don’t. There is no evidence nor information asserts that animals or pets such as cats and dogs have been infected or could be spreading the virus that causes COVID-19,” according to the World Health Organization.

Is eating garlic and consuming home remedies preventing coronavirus

No – there is no evidence that consuming garlic, sipping water every 15 minutes or taking vitamin C, putting sesame oil on your body or spraying yourself with alcohol or chlorine will kill the virus. The same goes for using essential oils, colloidal silver, and steroids.

Disinfection, social distancing, and strict personal hygiene are the only measures in our power that we can follow in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


No matter when is the cure going to be found, this is an urgent extraordinary circumstance, which we must take seriously. Take the necessary precautionary measures, avoid physical human contact, stay at home as much as possible, wash your hands and take care of your hygiene, stay informed, stock up on groceries, medicine, and resources and wait-out this situation like a responsible civilian.