Retail Employees Talk About Most Annoying Things Customers Did

Take a job in retail if you want to find out how much nonsense you can stand. You will have many reasons to sigh and roll your eyes, from demanding and lengthy shifts to poor management. But the people who cause the most anger and frustration are probably the customers.
Many of the staff members of the retail chains are united by the subreddits “Target” and “Trader Joe’s,” which offer a much-needed forum for venting. However, if you read through their content, you’ll discover that these people would be much happier if we barbarians didn’t burden them with our nastiness, ignorance, and pettiness.

*while the kids play the game of how high they can reach to pull everything off the shelves*

You could make the sign six foot tall, in neon pink, with glowsticks and dancing bears surrounding it and they still won’t see it.

When the store would have been closed, the same person would ask: “Why don’t y’all work on Holidays???”


Got their free ticket to heaven, time to go make someone else’s life hell.

#7 “Me Staring At The Customer Who Just Came Within 12 Inches Of Me With No Mask On To Ask If We Sell Covid Tests”


Getting Into The Holiday Spirit 🙂

I love my mask because I can openly scowl at someone.
#10 Raise Your Hand If You “Ruined A Christmas” Because You Didn’t Have Some Popular Item In Stock The Day Before Christmas


A Category 5 Hurricane Can’t Destroy An Alley Faster Than An 8-Year-Old Child Can.
#12 People That Abandon Carts With Food…


I worked at Starbucks in my early-mid 20’s, whenever a customer “tossed” their credit card at me on the counter, I would run it and then “toss” it right back at them.

When they hit me with the must be free line I just hit them with the this is America, nothings free line. Brings us both right back to the middle.

Most of these, I’m comfortable saying “oh that would *never* be me”, but this has definitely been me and my stubborn belief that anything can fit in a Civic.


NOTHING spoils Friday as much as someone telling you it’s Wednesday..

Beef tartar: you’re doing it somewhat wrong.


It’s getting harder and harder not to hate people as a rule of thumb.