It Started With an Accidental Phone Call…

Do you believe in coincidences? Well, we are not sure since, in life, later on, we discover that some important things did really happen for a reason.

Do you believe that the people we meet have roles in our lives? Are those roles big or small? These questions really make you wonder if everything is written for us in advance, or if there is more to it than just ‘coincidences’.
Some experiences are hurtful, sometimes you may feel betrayed, some people make you cry, but after some time, if the right lesson is drawn from the situation, people experience the feeling of becoming stronger. Lessons they say – Some people and situations teach us big lessons. This does not change us for who we are but we realize our mistakes and this usually helps us grow.

Are You a Believer
It is very likely that accidents, such as stubbing your big toe on the dining table, or breaking a vase, do not bring much value to your life other than pain and maybe serve as a reminder that you gotta pay more attention dude…

In relationships with people, first time you tell a person ‘it was an accident’, most of them will believe you, the second time as well, but after some repetition its getting suspicious.
Workplace accidents
“Workplace accidents happen all the time. When they occur, they can result in severe injuries and even fatalities. That’s especially true in construction. In Great Britain, for example, the construction industry accounted for 38 of the 144workplace fatalities that occurred in 2017/2018 (RIDDOR).
That’s the most of any of the nation’s industry sectors.
Dealing with just one of these fatality costs construction companies dearly and cut its profitability dramatically. The total costs of workplace self-reported injuries and ill health in 2016/17 in Great Britain, for example, is £15.0 billion.
The average cost of a construction fatality in the United States is $4 million. These costs are often hard for contractors …”to digest.
The True Love Story
Read this interesting true story which will prove you that accidents are not so accident at all…

“I answered a ringing pay phone—a call meant for another. I was enamored by the angelic voice of the girl on the other end of the line, and we spoke for what seemed like hours. She was from Iowa, I from Florida, and I was spending the summer in New Mexico’s mountains. I immediately knew that I wanted to know more about her. We exchanged letters and became pen pals. Six months later, I traveled to the Midwest to meet my mystery girl. It was love at first sight. In September, we will celebrate our 30th anniversary.” —Randy Aronson, Cooper City, Florida
Do you know an interesting “accident”? We love reading your stories remember that! xoxo