5 Key Steps to a Perfect Selfie

Selfies became a must in today`s society. The whole philosophy evolved around the concept of the perfect selfie. Is there such a thing? Let us know about your opinion as you go through these easy steps to a Perfect Selfie
- `Sunset Lighting is Everything`
We will quote Kylie Jenner here and confirm that saying with this short video:
Make sure your face is turned towards the sun/flash or any source of light because it brightens your face and makes you look flawless.
2. Shadows are your enemies
As much as you should go to the light, you should avoid all shadows and dimmy lights. It will make you look tired and even deformed. Stay away from shadows.
3. Know your angle
Take a look in the mirror, now turn your head on one side, and then on the other. You can clearly see that our face is not simetrical therefore we all have a prettier side so make sure you turn that side towards the camera when you are taking a selfie.
4. Always take more than one selfie
Let`s face it, no one can make the perfect selfie from taking just one photo. You need to make at least 5 of them to make sure you got it right.
5. Make sure you use the right filter and do not over-edit photos
You can retouch some things here and there but do not overplay with the options. We don’t want you looking like a human doll or a photoshopped disaster.
Ok: those were some short tips on what to pay attention to, and for the final shot here is a short video that might help you with all of this plus some more tips.
Let us know what you think about this video by blogger Jessica Vu and if you have some of your own tricks: