7 Anti Aging Facial Yoga Exercises

So we know that exercise does our body good, but what about our face? You’d think talking, chewing and expressing our emotions is enough to keep our face looking toned. What else can we do? Lots of people think that if you want to change something about your face the only option is plastic surgery or fillers or Botox. Well turns out there’s another, non-invasive option – yoga. It isn’t just for your body, there’s yoga for your face too. And the results you can get from that are so impressive that all your thoughts about invasive beauty procedures will disappear. Curious? Well, go ahead and give it a try.
1. Smooth Forehead
If you find that you frown a lot of just see the beginnings of those forehead lines forming even when your face is neutral try doing this facial yoga exercise. Make a surprised face by widening your eyes as much as you can without raising your eyebrows. Hold that for 10 to 15 seconds and release. This exercise tones the muscles around your eyes and your forehead. Do that a couple of times every day, whenever you have the time and you should see improvement within 10 days.
2. Bright Eyes
If your eyelids are becoming droopy or you see eye bags forming under them there’s a facial yoga exercise to fix that. Put both of your middle fingers on the inner corner of your eyebrows, and put your index fingers on the end of your eyebrows. Apply light pressure, not hard enough to hurt or feel discomfort, but enough to feel a bit of pressure. Look up with your eyes and squint. The goal is to get your lower lids to move while you squint. Do this squint about 6 times and then end the exercise by squeezing your eyes shut for about 10 seconds. This should help you lessen the appearance of under eye bags, puffiness and droopy eyelids.
3. Toned Cheeks
When people get older they tend to get those saggy or hollow cheeks. You don’t want that so try this easy facial exercise to tone up your cheeks. Inhale a big gulp of air through your mouth forming your lips into a tube then puff out your cheeks and hold your breath for a little bit, exhale. Do this a couple of times and you’ll start to really feel it in your cheeks. Yup, it’s silly but it’s a workout for your face.