Clear your face in 30 days with these natural products! Secret ingredient is unbelievable!

Clear your face in 30 days with these natural products! Secret ingredient is unbelievable!

Clear skin is a goal that many people are eager to reach by any means because acne and an uneven skin color can make life complicated. Expensive medicines and cosmetic products, painful procedures, strict diets — all is fair in a battle with acne.

Los Angeles model Brianna Lopez cured her acne with health food store products. She posted a before/after photo and shared her skincare routine. Unsurprisingly, her post quickly became viral. According to Brianna, her skin condition has improved considerably in less than a month.

Qubscribe is very inspired by Brianna’s accomplishment and wants to share it with you.

Before and after

“It was a hard time for me, sometimes I locked myself in my room because I didn’t want to see anyone, even my parents,” says Brianna. There are things that are worse, but even acne can make one’s life unbearable. That’s why Brianna decided to share how she coped with her skin problems.

Oil cleansing method

The first step of skincare routine is cleansing. Brianna uses jojoba oil. She applies oil to her skin with massaging movements and wipes it off with a warm towel or wash-glove. She goes through this procedure twice.

Apply a face mask

Then she applies a facial mask. Brianna uses 2 tsp of raw honey mixed with cinnamon and turmeric (1/2 tsp of each ingredient). She applies the mixture to her face and leaves it on for an hour.

She sometimes uses a sulfur mask or a bentonite clay mask that both have a soothing effect on the skin. Brianna applies any of these masks (including the one with honey) only on the days when she plans to wear makeup or face powder.


The next step is moisturizing. Brianna uses perfecting serum derived from rosehip and carrot oils and adds a couple of drops of lavender essential oil to it. She applies it to damp skin with dabbing movements. She only uses these products when she plans to wear makeup.

A battle against acne scars

Brianna applies raw shea butter to the acne spots on her face before going to bed. She never skips this step and it’s the first step of her skincare routine, regardless of whether or not she wore makeup that day.

Intake of plant-based supplements

The last step of her skincare routine is taking plant-based supplements: turmeric, milk thistle, kelp, a buckthorn tree, and neem leaves. Brianna insists on talking to your doctor first and taking an allergy test before you take any supplements.

A few more words

Brianna uses only products with natural ingredients. She says that after a week of such a skincare routine, she noticed visible changes in her skin condition. However, only after 2 months, her skin became more-or-less perfect. In addition to the above-mentioned products, she applies sunscreen to her face every day and sometimes uses creams to treat acne scarring.

Do you know any tricks that might help people with this skin problem? Share them with us in the comments.