Dove Sensitive Bar Soap as Skincare – The Truth

Dove Sensitive Bar Soap as Skincare – The Truth

Lately, on TikTok, it seems like everyone is talking about using the Dove sensitive bar soap on their face to combat their chronic acne problems. Today we will discuss the logic behind that and if it is an effective skin regime or not.

Some TikTokers claim that they have ditched their entire skincare routine and started only using the Dove sensitive skin bar soap. Multiple people have made videos about this, saying how this specific soap has saved their skin.

One creator even claimed that she had tried an entire skincare routine, and had tried so many different things, that they decided to ditch everything and just wash their face daily with Dove soap.

using a dove bar soap to wash my face *real results* |Teresa Isabel -  YouTube

The fact is that many people today use too many products in their skincare routine – oils, treatments, masks, scrubs, exfoliants, etc. Additionally, a lot of them have irritating ingredients, and when your skin is in a compromised state (acne and breakouts), the last thing it needs is products with a lot of harsh ingredients, as it will only make the problem worse.

This is why a lot of people have opted for using a bar of soap as skincare, because of its simplicity – the simplistic ingredient list, relatively non-irritating formulas as well as the fact that it’s fragrance-free.

I Used Dove Soap on My Face Everyday For a Month! - YouTube

Pros of using Dove bar soap for skin:

  • its fragrance-free (if you have very sensitive and reactive skin, it is best to use a cleanser without fragrance to avoid any possibility of irritation)
  • minimal waste (it comes in a convenient paper packaging that is biodegradable)
  • minimal ingredients (when you have sensitive skin, you should use products with the least amount of different ingredients – a simple ingredient list is best)

Cons of using Dove bar soap for skin:

  • it has a high concentration of palm oil, which is causing mass deforestation
  • possibility of bacteria buildup on the bar (condensation and humidity in the environment might cause bacteria buildup, which is very bad, especially for acne-prone skin)


This bar soap might clear someone’s acne (in which case good for you), and it might just additionally irritate someone’s skin. Personally, I think that there are so many good cleansers on the market that work so much better, that are good for soothing the skin, repairing the skins moisture barrier, and not over stripping it or contributing to dryness.