Lady Gaga Finding a Perfect Pose in 3 Seconds Is Everything

Lady Gaga Finding a Perfect Pose in 3 Seconds Is Everything

Lady Gaga appeared on the red carpet last night for the Hollywood premiere of A Star Is Born, and let me just say – what she did was LEGENDARY.

Gaga, in a moment that proved how much of a fabulous goodness she is, was filmed during a red carpet interview, and when she finished answering the question, she hugged her correspondent and was found a quarter of a second later striking a pose for the cameras. Can I say it again? LEG-END-ARY!

See it and believe it, watch the video and see that she’s the most talented woman that has ever walked this earth. I seriously have watched it probably like 100 times at my desk and I can’t stop. It’s MESMERIZING.

And of course, peoples reaction on this video was way over the top. Here are some special tweets that we have gathered especially for you:

Let’s take another peek at it, shall we? I spent 30 minutes this morning just repeating the video over and over again. It’s amazin’.


And our personal favorite:

“She found it in 1 second, it took 2 seconds to give a kiss on the cheek out of respect l! Don’t ever do gaga like this again”. I think all of us can agree that this tweet speaks pure wisdom.