Spooky Wednesday: The Story of The Stripper Killer

Spooky Wednesday: The Story of The Stripper Killer

Wednesday is reserved for spooky stories, since on Wednesdays we wear black 😉

We’ve all heard of interesting romantic stories, some of them started weirdly, some bizarre, and some, like this, didn’t quite end up in the ‘Happily ever after manner’. For Jennifer Morrissey, this would have been a sugar daddy happily ever after, but her real persona had to come out.

source: mirror.co.uk

The Love For Motorcycles Brought Them Together

Michael McNew, then aged 64, was a divorced wealthy pharmaceutical executive. He had a luxury home in Washington Crossing. Jennifer Lynn Morrissey, then 33, was a stripper and had a habit of getting in trouble with the law. She also had a drug problem.

This “love story” started when Michael went to the strip club back in 2014, where Jennifer had her performances. They exchanged a few words, both of them expressing their love for motorcycles. After this instant mutual connection, they set up a date where Michael didn’t pay to be in her company.

source: twoeggz.com

Jennifer opened about her troubled life and her debts, and all her life problems, where Michael agreed to pay for everything. This was a good opportunity for Jennifer, she realised she’s found something special.

Let’s capture the whole story: She was an exotic dancer for more than 15 years by then, she started dancing when she was only 15 years of age, and besides that, she was a heroin addict. Besides this, she had a lot of driving and drug offenses, including restitution payments and so on. Michael was so into her that he agreed to pay for all of these expenses, because, according to his friends, he was a kind-hearted man who just wanted to help.

So, The Betrayal Starts

She moved to his home in 2015, where Michael thought that he could take more care of her if he had her close. So, overnight, her life changed from nowhere to luxury holidays and expensive restaurants.

Michael gave her money and supported her when she started working as a motorcycle mechanic. What she was telling to the public is that Michael was her sugar daddy. Michael’s son and daughter did not approve of this relationship and saw that she was only there because of the money.

source: lifedaily.com

They eventually drifted apart because of this. But what happens next is, in 2017, Michael found out that Jennifer was actually cheating on him with some member of a motorcycle gang, and she moved out.

Michale felt heartbroken and betrayed. He was disappointed that he lost years of his life on someone who betrayed him and made such choices after all he’s done for her. He then informed her about where her belongings will be.

Well, When You Thought This Was The End, You Were Wrong

Charles Kulow – her new boyfriend – had a criminal history and violent past. Both of them were really violent in their relationship. One of the texts Jennifer sent to her boyfriend was: ‘I” gut you like I’m field-dressing a deer’ (how romantic, right).

Just a few days after they got in the fight, Michael’s co-worker was worried she hadn’t heard from Michel for some time and went to his home with her daughter. They had something to see – Michael was dead in his favorite leather chair in the living room with a bullet wound between his eyes.

The police arrived soon and they noted that his watch was missing and his jean pockets were turned out. It looked like a burglary which went wrong. The question was – Why didn’t they take anything else? There were many other expensive things in the house.

Jennifer Morrissey, murder

The police later discovered that hours prior to his death, Michael was exchanging text messages with Jennifer, which of course got a bit far away.

Was it Really Murder?

Well, shortly after his death, Jennifer was arrested. While she was in custody where she confessed to her cellmate that she did kill him after going to his house to confront him. She also told this to others, and the police eventually found this out as well.

Later, she tried getting her boyfriend involved in this, suggesting that he might have done something about this too. She also started changing her stories adding that she hadn’t visited Michael’s house in weeks and hadn’t lived there for several months then.

Well, thank God for DNA. DNA was found in Michael’s turned out pockets, and after that, to try to cover things up, she said that she did shoot him, but that it was an accident. She said that they wrestled and that the gun went off in his face.

source: twoeggz.com

After she fled the scene, she returned with Charles and they tried making it look like a robbery. They burried his phone, watch and computer in Charles’ background and she sent a message on facebook to Michael at the same time, so it would seem that she was texting him in the time she would have thought that he was alive.

Clever? Not So Much…

She was eventually charged with murder. In the same time, Charles was already in prison and was facing charge for killing a man during a fight. He agreed to testify against Jennifer and he faced no charges relating the death of Michael.

What happened, is, she sneaked into Michael’s home in the time she new he was sleeping. She knew the security code so she planned this ahead. She shot him at point-blank range in the face with her handgun. Her story that they were struggling for the gun was completely threw away since there was no sign of struggle, and the angle of the bullet wound confirmed that Michael was sitting back in his recliner.

Her Murder Motive

Well, her motive was Michael’s $362.000 life-insurance policy which lister her as a beneficiary.

Her lawyers tried to make it look like self defence. She tried to make it look like he was jealous and that he was always accusing her with sleeping with other men, how he was constantly reminding her that she was dependent on him. She also added that she didn’t mean to shoot him.

This would maaaayyyybee all make sense if she didn’t return and try to cover everything up and also tried to make it look like a robbery.

source: kywnewsradio.radio.com

February this year (2019) she was charged with guilty for first-degree murder, burglary and criminal trespassing. She was sentenced to spend the rest of her life in prison, without the chance of parole.

The Last Text

The second-to-last text Michael sent to her former girlfriend was ‘Jen, I love you to death.’

Several hours later, she turned up to his home and shot him dead.