8 Tips to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

I think all of us can agree that beautiful hair on a person always attracts attention. Healthy, shiny and soft hair is a thing that most girls wish for, and the rest of them are just very lucky to have it gorgeous, voluminous naturally. Beautiful hair is a real gift from God and if you want to make yours even healthier looking, you’re at the right place.
Follow these tips and your hair will thank you later:
Surprisingly, scissors are your friends
“While haircuts don’t make it grow any faster, they get rid of split ends that break your hair,” explains celebrity hairstylist Michael Dueñas. “Eliminating the breakage gives the appearance that it is growing faster.” Cutting it affects the softness, it’s shine and volume.
Try not to dye it blonde
“When the cuticle of the hair is damaged from bleach, you can have more breakage or split ends,” explains Elizabeth Hiserodt, senior colorist at Cutler Salon in New York City. “The fewer chemical treatments, the better your hair will grow.” Bleach dries up your strands and it breaks every time you touch or brush it.
Use the natural oil your hair produces to your advantage
Oil is produced on your scalp and it rarely comes to the ends of the strand, where it’s needed the most.
“Starting at the scalp, use a boar bristle brush to distribute your scalp’s oils evenly onto your hair so it stays naturally moisturized,” recommends Meri Kate O’Connor, senior colorist and educator at Eva Scrivo Salon.
Clean up your diet
“To promote hair growth, you need to ‘feed’ the strand from the inside,” explains Dr. Francesco Fusco, an NYC-based dermatologist. “Try increasing your protein intake with foods like fish, beans, nuts, and whole grains.”
Avoid treating your hair with heat
“Stop over-styling your hair,” warns celebrity hairstylist Ken Paves. If you must you heat to style your hair, learn to style your hair with a blowdryer instead of frying your hair with hair straighteners.
Finish off your shower with cold water
“Turn the water temperature down when cleansing,” recommends Paves. “And rinse with cool water to help seal the cuticle and strengthen your hair before styling it”.
Even tho it might be uncomfortable to shower with cold water, trust me, it does WONDERS for your hair. It makes it less frizzy and shinier.
Stop doing the “popular cleanses”
Dr. Dueñas strongly advises against them. “Doing a cleanse is terrible for your hair because you’re depriving your body of nutrients,” he warns. “After doing a cleanse even for a week, you’ll notice slower hair growth and lackluster locks.”
You can take supplements for hair growth
“Look for a multivitamin that’s formulated and labeled ‘For Hair, Skin, and Nails,'” advises Dr. Fusco. “Those contain important vitamins like biotin and C and B vitamins that support hair health.”
Consider starting using minoxidil
Pick up a can of Women’s Rogaine, says April Franzino, Good Housekeeping’s beauty director. “The active ingredient, minoxidil, is FDA-approved and proven to help stop hair loss and promote hair regrowth.”